She's been having, where possible, three meals a day now for 10 days. The days where we have been out and about I've not bothered with dinner. I'll sometimes take something for her to snack on - a Kiddilicious wafer or some Ella's Kitchen snack - or I'll let her have a little something off my plate, but nothing major. It's too much faff, too much effort and way too much cleaning up!
She's had breakfast almost everyday, ranging from Weetabix (absolute carnage) to just fruit, and croissants to waffles.
So far, everything she has tried she has liked. There hasn't been anything that she hasn't taken to. We've also had not much in the way of gagging. The worst time was probably Friday night where she coughed so hard she made herself sick - not just a little bit, either; it was proper waterfall stuff (if you know, you know!)
So, some of the things she has been having since I last wrote...
She's had 'picky' meals - usually when I cba! These have consisted of cucumber sticks, chopped cherry tomatoes, Babybel, ham, and usually something from Ella's Kitchen (melty puff, rice cakes etc). We've also substituted the ham and Babybel for Dairylea on bread and, oh my, it's taken me back to my own childhood having that with her!
She's had lasagne and peas which seemed to be a firm favourite. It was also a firm favourite with me as she slept through the night that night from 8.30pm-6am for the first time in two months!
We've also tried waffles topped with puree and fruit, greek yoghurt (another firm favourite), Cheerios, pulled pork with potatoes and carrots, a beef casserole, a croissant, salmon and broccoli pasta, bolognese pasta bake, crumpets, peanut butter pancakes, cheese and tomato pastry wheels, scrambled egg and pizza.
She's crammed a lot into 10 days!
It's all going quite well so far. We're still trying with pre-loaded spoons for things that would be ridiculous to expect her to eat with her fingers. She's getting better each time with the spoon. It's amazing how clever babies are and how quickly they learn things.
She's still feeding a lot and still feeding from me. As I said before, I usually offer food 30-60 minutes after a feed and will always offer to feed her straight after. Last week she was feeding like she was a newborn again, it was every two hours during the day - sometimes even more frequently - and every three hours at night. I'm not sure what that was about. I thought she maybe had a tooth coming, but still no sign!
I'm going to try take her to be weighed tomorrow as it's been over six weeks now, I think. It doesn't really matter what she weighs, but I'm just curious to know. Someone said to me today that she looked small to say she's almost six months. That was, until, I stood her up and she saw how long/tall she is!
I must say, my favourite thing about weaning her so far has to be the faces that Peyton pulls. When she sees something new, when she tries something new, and just her general faces are absolutely hilarious. She has always been quite expressive but she's even more so now she's eating.
Honestly, it's amazing seeing everyday how much she is learning just from the day before.
If you'd like to follow our BLW journey I have set up a specific Instagram account for it, so as not to bother everyone on my own Instagram anymore than I already do!
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