If we had a pound for every time someone asked us how me manage to work together and live together, or how we don't kill each other spending so much time together, I don't think either of us would need to work for a while.
I'm not sure myself how it's worked, if I'm honest. Tom and I started seeing each other about six weeks before I got the job at Selby Times, and we spent the first five months of my employment keeping us being together a secret.
When we first started messaging again we did the whole 'where are you working?' conversation and Tom said he was at Selby Times. Immediately, alarm bells started ringing as I had literally, that afternoon, applied for a job there. 'Shit', I thought, 'he's going to think I'm a right stalker!' But, little did I know, me getting an interview would be the reason we would end up together.
September 2015 we got to enjoy the O2 Media Awards together as our work team were nominated for Team of the Year (Print) |
I'll just share this little tale with you so you understand what I mean...
When Tom and I first became friends on Facebook (and after he inundated me with pokes for months) he spent weeks, probably months actually, trying to get me to go on a date with him, or to meet up with him. Whether it be going to the cinema, going round to his, going for a drink - he tried everything. And each time, I found an excuse to say no. I'm not really sure why he kept pursuing me to be honest, I was brutal!
Then, when we both went off to university, we lost touch. Come April 2014, after we both swiped the right way on Tinder, we got to talking again and exchanged loads of messages catching up with each other. It was then that the Selby Times bombshell was dropped. 'There is no way we can be romantically involved if we will be working together,' I thought.
Tom said he would come round to mine the night before my interview to help me prep and tell me all the things to say that would make them want to hire me, so it was set. He found a way to see me without me making an excuse! Although, to me, it was completely platonic. When he came round, I made sure I looked absolutely shocking. I had wet hair, no make-up, and a mint green onesie on (a look he still remembers to this day, whether that be good or bad!) We talked my interview and had a catch up, then Tom left.
The next day, after I found out I didn't get the job, I was really sad. Tom said he would take me out at the weekend to cheer me up. I contemplated finding an excuse but decided I really liked spending time with him when he came round, and since we weren't going to work together it wouldn't matter if we started seeing each other. We went on a few dates and started seeing a lot more of each other, and everything was great. Then, in June, found out I had a job at the Selby Times.
We kept our relationship a secret at first, so that one of us wouldn't get moved office, and from June 2014 worked together every day up until today.
Spending so much time with someone, anyone else, and I would want to kill them. I'm a people person, but there's only so much I can take of one person before I need a break. With Tom, I never felt that. Since we moved in together properly last December, we've spent pretty much every single day together. I don't think I could spend that much time with anyone else.
One of my favourite photos - Tom creeping on Rebecca Adlington at the opening of Selby Leisure Centre |
Today is a day of mixed emotions for me.
The work Nat is super sad that her partner (in literally every sense of the word) is leaving her side after being her go-to guy for help, advice and things she doesn't understand since day one. But home Nat is ridiculously happy and proud of her fiancé for following his dream of working for the national press.
Of course, there are advantages to us no longer working together. Mainly that we can have time off together. We've been so lucky whilst working together to have an amazing boss, who tried wherever possible to get us days off (and even a whole week in the summer!) But it will be nice to know that we can both use all four weeks of our holiday to do something together.
Tom, you make me so proud every single day when I watch you work. We are polar opposites when it comes to work style and the type of reporter that we are, but I admire you every single day for what you do and how you do it. I will miss getting the chance to see you work your magic every day, but I know you are going to do great. I am so immensely proud of you for this and can't wait for the day you get your first national byline. There will be a big hole left at the Selby Times but, luckily for me, I still get to share your achievements and experiences when we get home.
Your colleagues at the Selby Times and Goole Times will really miss you.
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