
Winston McKenzie was a despicable CBB contestant, but why was he allowed in the house in the first place?

It's 2016.

Same sex couples are free to marry and start a family by adopting; women are taking up more managerial and senior positions; and, for the most part, there are very few, if any, racial inequalities. 

So why, I'm wondering, did the Celebrity Big Brother bosses allow an obvious homophobe into the CBB house this week?

His VT alone should have been enough to have him ejected as soon as he entered but, for whatever reason, nothing was done. 

Incase you've been living under a rock and haven't heard the scandal, I'm talking about Winston McKenzie. A former boxer, London Mayor hopeful and UKIP supporter, controversy over Winston started before he even went in the famous house. His VT was full of homophobic remarks as he said he "could cope with a homosexual in the house - I guess I'll just have to stand with my back up against the wall the whole time."

In last year's shocking series (the Perez one), R&B singer Alexander O'Neal left the house after he was given a warning for calling Perez a 'faggot'. Of course, he was 110% deserving of the warning, but if that warranted a warning then why did Winston not receive one? Or have the comments cut from his VT in the editing stage?

To me, it seems like the CBB bosses set him up. I have absolutely no sympathy for the man. He was portrayed as a despicable human being. But the bosses played a clever game with him. 

During the task where the housemates discovered how much they had learnt about each other, Winston admitted he had said that same sex couples adopting a child was like child abuse. Bosses at Big Brother obviously knew he had said this prior to him entering the house, and still decided to allow him to go in, so to bring this up once he was in was just asking for trouble.

They knew it would make good tv when he admitted to it and the house turned on him and had a row. Of course, Winston shouldn't have said those things in the first place for them to be brought up, but he was set up in that scenario.

The bosses at Big Brother should've been more professional and sensible and not put him in in the first place. His extremist, cave man era views had no place on prime time television.

His post-eviction interview with Emma Willis and then Rylan was ha ceded excellently. Emma Willis has received so much praise for how she handled herself and quizzed him on his views, beliefs and behaviour. She has also received a bit of flack for being 'unprofessional' but, in my opinion, she was as professional as she could have been given the circumstances.

Every year there's a scandal on CBB - Jade Goody and Shilpa, Perez Hilton and Alexander O'Neal - but this year it could have been so easily avoided. Bosses could've prevented his beliefs being aired by not putting him in the house.

I imagine that Winston's career in the public eye is well and truly over now. Unfortunately, there will be people who share his barbaric beliefs but, luckily, this day in age sees the vast majority of people share the view that everyone is equal.

Part of me feels a bit sorry for Winston. Only a very small part, though. If people aired their racist views in the same way he did his homosexual ones, there would be uproar. So long as a child is given a loving home - whether it be with a gay, straight or inter-racial family - it shouldn't matter. All that matters is love. If two people are in love, who has the right to stand in the way of that and say it isn't right? If someone is attracted to a person of the same sex, who has the right to say whether that's right or wrong? Just like if a man wants to become a woman, or vice versa, how can anyone be in a position to say that's not ok?

We live in a world of free will, just like we do free speech. And whilst people are free to say what they want on topics, they should realise that there is a big difference between capitalising on freedom of speech and sharing an opinion, to being offensive and down-right inappropriate.

It's 2016 for crying out loud, we left the era of racism, homophobia and inequality behind for a reason. 

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